Actor | Voice Coach | Yoga Teacher


Actor and Voice-Artist

“Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances.”

- Sanford Meisner

Acting can allow us a sense of complete freedom. By telling stories with our bodies and voices, we can find truth and clarity in an endless realm of possibility. Whether it be onstage, on film, through voiceover, radio play or advertisement, we can excite the imaginations of our audiences and listeners.

I am a performer who is passionate about finding truth in performance, and passionate about storytelling.

See here my acting profile.


Voice Coach

Our society asks us to behave and sound a certain way: a way that creates an atmosphere of non-conflict and a feeling that we fit in. However, many people (including public speakers, presenters, singers and actors) find this behaviour limiting to their profession and the expression of their true selves.

I coach people towards unleashing their natural voice, and being able to use it flexibly in a safe and healthy manner. My coaching works for those in film, television, theatre, the corporate world, or for general personal improvement. 

I believe our natural voice deserves a place in this world. Ultimately, we can allow it to help us feel that we already belong, and no longer seek to ‘fit in’.

Yoga Teacher

Yoga can easily become a competition of aesthetics, flexibility and strength. The eight limbs of yoga teach us that yoga is more than just Asana (posture). It flows through all parts of our life: our work, relationships, health, and wellbeing. 

The Sanskrit word Prana means breath or life-force. I teach yoga with a focus on Prana, as I believe that breath is one of the most important tools for a healthy life and the foundation for a natural and healthy voice.


“The right kind of education, while encouraging the learning of a technique, should accomplish something which is of far greater importance: it should help man to experience the integrated process of life.”

J. Krishnamurti